ひらがなネット > 北斎散歩「相撲の町・両国編」

北斎(ほくさい)散歩(さんぽ)相撲(すもう)(まち)両国(りょうこく)(へん)Hokusai Walk in Ryogoku, a Sumo Town

日時:2016.11.12(土)(どようび) 13:00〜16:00


[The Sumida Hokusai Museum x Hiragana Net Joint Project]
Let’s take a walk in Ryogoku, the town with Ryogoku Kokugikan Sumo Hall and many sumo stables. We will also pass by Katsushika Hokusai’s birthplace and the soon-to-be-opened The Sumida Hokusai Museum. After that, we will try Mongolian food from the restaurant “Ulaanbaatar” run by former sumo-wrestler Hakuba, a native Mongolian. We will listen to Hakuba tell us some stories.

あるくコース((やく)2.7km)(Walking Course)

  • 両国(りょうごく)(えき)(きゅう)安田(やすだ)庭園(ていえん)
    R Ryogoku Station → The Former Yasuda Garden

    (いけ)中心(ちゅうしん)にぐるりと一周(いっしゅう)できる日本(にっぽん)庭園(ていえん)です。 太鼓橋(たいこばし)があったり、写真(しゃしん)スポットとして海外(かいがい)(ひと)にも人気(にんき)です。
    This is a Japanese garden with a pond you can circle around in the middle. There is an arched bridge that is a popular photo spot with people from overseas.
  • 北斎(ほくさい)生誕(せいたん)()
    Hokusai's Birthplace

    北斎(ほくさい)()まれた場所(ばしょ)記念碑(きねんひ)があります。 そして、その(とお)りは北斎(ほくさい)(どお)りといわれています。
    There is a memorial stone monument where Hokusai was born. The street he was born on is now called “Hokusai Street”.
  • ライオン(どう)

    力士(りきし)御用達(ごようたつ)"のお(みせ)で、(おお)きいサイズ(胴囲(どうい)100㎝以上(いじょう))専門店(せんもんてん)です。 下着(したぎ)からアウターまで豊富(ほうふ)(しな)ぞろえが自慢(じまん)です。
    Lion-do is a clothing shop for sumo wrestlers that sells large-sized clothing including some that have a waistband of over 100cm. They are proud of their wide selection which includes underwear and outerwear.
  • レストラン「ウランバートル」→JR両国(りょうごく)(えき)
    Ulaanbaatar Restaurant → JR Ryogoku Station

    レストラン「ウランバートル」モンゴルの首都(しゅと)店名(てんめい)にしたモンゴル料理(りょうり)専門店(せんもんてん)です。 ポーズや羊肉(ようにく)(しお)ゆでなど、代表的(だいひょうてき)料理(りょうり)試食(ししょく)します。
    The restaurant “Ulaanbaatar” is a Mongolian restaurant named after the Mongolian capital. We will be able to try Mongolian dishes such as steamed buns, lamb and salt-boiled dishes.
  • 参加費(さんかひ|Participation fee)


    Adults 1,000 yen, Students1,000 yen, Children 700 yen
  • 日時(にちじ|Date)

    2016.11.12(土)(どようび) 13:00〜16:00
    November 12 (Saturday,) 1PM-4 PM
  • 集合時間(しゅうごうじかん|Meeting time)

  • 集合場所(しゅうごうばしょ|Meeting place)

    JR Ryogoku Station's West Exit
  • 募集人数(ぼしゅうにんずう | The number to be accepted)

  • 申し込み受付(もうしこみうけつけ | Reservation Deadline)

    Reserve your spot by Novemberber 9
  • その他(そのた | Other)


    ●The participation fee includes consumption tax and insurance.
    ●A sample of Mongolian food is included!
    ●This tour has a limit of 30 participants, so please reserve your spot ASAP.
    ●Both foreign residents and Japanese people (can) participate in this walk.
    (There are times when no foreign residents or no Japanese people participate.)
    ●The tour will take place even if it rains. In the case of severe weather conditions (heavy rain, heavy snow, typhoon etc.) the tour will be canceled.
    ●Please wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in.
  • 主催(しゅさい|Organizer)
