ひらがなネット > みんなで散歩(さんぽ)114「千駄ヶ谷(せんだがや)明治神宮(めいじじんぐう)(ある)く」

みんなで散歩(さんぽ)114「千駄ヶ谷(せんだがや)明治神宮(めいじじんぐう)(ある)く」Walking with Everyone 114 “Walking from Sendagaya to Meiji Jingu”

日時:2017.4.29(土)(どようび) 10:30〜13:30



This time, we are walking from Sendagaya, which is getting sparser due to the construction for the upcoming Olympics, to Meiji Jingu, a shrine surrounded by trees. Let’s climb the fujizuka at Hatanomori Shrine, pass by the Noh theatre and enjoy many sights. Let’s end the tour by eating a bento in a spacious field during this beautiful season.

*Please bring your own lunch (there is a convenience store nearby).

あるくコース((やく)4.0km)(Walking Course)

  • 国立(こくりつ)競技場(きょうぎじょう)(あと)
    Remains of the National Stadium

    1958(ねん)完成(かんせい)した国立(こくりつ)競技場(きょうぎじょう)は、前回(ぜんかい)東京(とうきょう)オリンピックの開会式(かいかいしき)会場(かいじょう)でもありました。 そして建設(けんせつ)から56年後(ねんご)()(こわ)され、2020(ねん)のオリンピックに()けて、現在(げんざい)工事(こうじ)(すす)んでいます。 (いま)しか()られない景色(けしき)(のぞ)みましょう。
    In 1958, the National Stadium was built here for the previous Olympics. It was demolished 56 years later in order for a new stadium to be built for the 2020 Olympics. Construction is now underway, so now is a rare chance to see the new stadium as it is being built.
  • 鳩森(はとのもり)八幡(はちまん)神社(じんじゃ)
    Hatanomori Shrine

    入口(いりぐち)(ちか)くにご神木(しんぼく)大銀杏(おおいちょう)(むか)えてくれます。 立派(りっぱ)富士塚(ふじづか)があるので、ぜひ頂上(ちょうじょう)目指(めざ)して(のぼ)ってください。
    First, let’s head for the large ginkgo tree near the entrance. There is a great fujizuka (mound that represents to Mt. Fuji) on the shrine grounds, so be sure to climb to the top of it!
  • 国立(こくりつ)能楽堂(のうがくどう)資料(しりょう)展示室(てんじしつ)
    National Noh Theatre Exhibition Room

    You can experience “Noh”, traditional Japanese theatre, at this Noh theatre. Be sure to check out scripts of Noh plays in the exhibition room.
  • 明治神宮(めいじじんぐう)
    Meiji Jingu

    (おお)きな(もり)(かこ)まれた明治神宮(めいじじんぐう)は、初詣(はつもう)では日本一(にっぽんいち)参拝者(さんぱいしゃ)(すう)(ほこ)ります。 東京(とうきょう)とは(おも)えない(もり)(なか)で、お弁当(べんとう)()べて、ピクニック気分(きぶん)(あじ)わえます。
    This shrine surrounded by trees is the top spot for visitors to do the first prayer of the New Year. Let’s have a picnic surrounded by nature - you won’t believe you’re still in Tokyo!
  • JR山手線(やまてせん)原宿(はらじゅく)(えき)解散(かいさん)
    The tour will end at Harajuku Station on the JR Yamanote Line

  • 参加費(さんかひ|Participation fee)


    Adults 1,500 yen, Students1,300 yen, Children 750 yen .
  • 日時(にちじ|Date)

    2017.4.29(土)(どようび) 10:30〜13:30
    Saturday, April 29, 2017, 10:30AM-1:30PM
  • 集合時間(しゅうごうじかん|Meeting time)

  • 集合場所(しゅうごうばしょ|Meeting place)

    Ticket gate of Sendagaya Station on the JR Sobu Line
  • 募集人数(ぼしゅうにんずう | The number to be accepted)

  • 申し込み受付(もうしこみうけつけ | Reservation Deadline)

    Reserve your spot by April 28th
  • その他(そのた | Other)


    ●The participation fee includes consumption tax and insurance.
    ●This tour has a limit of 30 participants, so please reserve your spot ASAP.
    ●Both foreign residents and Japanese people (can) participate in this walk.
    (There are times when no foreign residents or no Japanese people participate.)
    ●The tour will take place even if it rains. In the case of severe weather conditions (heavy rain, heavy snow, typhoon etc.) the tour will be canceled.
    ●Please wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in.
    ●Please bring your own lunch (there is a convenience store nearby).
  • 主催(しゅさい|Organizer)

    Hiragana Net Inc.