ひらがなネット > みんなで散歩(さんぽ)113「(とら)さんの柴又(しばまた)金町(かなまち)(ある)こう」

みんなで散歩(さんぽ)113「(とら)さんの柴又(しばまた)金町(かなまち)(ある)こう」Walking with Everyone 113 "Tora-san’s Shibamata to Kanamachi Walk"

日時:2017.3.18(土)(どようび) 10:30〜13:30


People all over the world love the Tora-san series of movies about a vagabond who lives a life free of restrictions. We will take a walk from Shibamata, the setting of the series, pass alongside the Edogawa River to Kanamachi. This older area of Tokyo is not so busy, so it’s perfect for an early spring walk. We will eat lunch at the Tokyo University of Science’s Katsushika Campus Cafeteria.

あるくコース((やく)4.6km)(Walking Course)

  • 柴又(しばまた)(えき)
    Shibamata Station

    京成電鉄(けいせいでんてつ)金町(かなまち)(せん)柴又(しばまた)駅前(えきまえ)には、トランクを(かか)えた(とら)さんの銅像(どうぞう)(むか)えてくれます。 さあ、散歩(さんぽ)のスタートです。
    Near Shibamata Station on the Keisei Dentetsu Kanamachi Line is a statue of Tora-san carrying a suitcase. Let’s pass by him and start our walk.
  • 柴又(しばまた)帝釈天(たいしゃくてん)
    Shibamata Taishakuten

    団子(だんご)()さんが(なら)参道(さんどう)(とお)って、柴又(しばまた)帝釈天(たいしゃくてん)へ。 日蓮宗(にちれんしゅう)のお(てら)で、通称(つうしょう)帝釈天(たいしゃくてん)です。 本堂(ほんどう)内側(ないそく)にある()彫刻(ちょうこく)見事(みごと)です。
    Let’s walk along a street lined with dango (snacks made from pounded rice) shops and head to Shibamata Taishakuten. This temple dedicated to the Nichiren School of Buddhism is commonly known as simply “Taishakuten”. The carvings on the tree on the inner grounds of the shrine is magnificent.
  • 山本(やまもと)(てい)

    地元(じもと)でカメラの部品(ぶひん)製造(せいぞう)していた山本(やまもと)()自宅(じたく)です。 伝統的(でんとうてき)和洋折衷(わようせっちゅう)建物(たてもの)です。 270(つぼ)庭園(ていえん)は、米国(べいこく)日本(にっぽん)庭園(ていえん)専門誌(せんもんし)「SukiyaLiving~ランキング調査(ちょうさ)(2016(ねん))で、(だい)()評価(ひょうか)されています。
    This is the residence of Mr. Yamamoto, someone in the neighborhood who makes camera parts. His house is a traditional mix of Japanese and Western style. The 270-tsubo* garden was ranked 3rd best in the 2016 garden ranking done by the American magazine “Sukiya Living”, a magazine dedicated to Japanese gardens. *1-tsubo = 3.31m
  • 江戸川(えどがわ)土手(どて)
    Edogawa Riverbank

    山本(やまもと)(てい)のあとは、江戸川(えどがわ)土手(どて)にでます。 柴又(しばまた)対岸(たいがん)千葉県(ちばけん)(むす)(わた)(ぶね)矢切(やぎり)(わた)し」や、金町浄水場(かなまちじょうすいじょう)()ながら(ある)きます。
    After Yamamoto-Tei, we will head to the riverbank along the Edogawa River. We will be able to see the “Yagiri no Watashi” ferry that goes between Shibamata and Chiba Prefecture on the opposite shore, and the Kanamachi Water Purification Plant as we are walking along the riverbank.
  • 東京理科大学(とうきょうりかだいがく)葛飾(かつしか)キャンパス
    Tokyo University of Science Katsushika Campus

    2013(ねん)にできたキャンパスは、(あたら)しい建物(たてもの)解放感(かいほうかん)にあふれています。 地元(じもと)(ひと)利用(りよう)できる学食(がくしょく)で、昼食(ちゅうしょく)をいただきます。 ※昼食代(ちゅうしょくだい)各自(かくじ)支払(しはら)いください。
  • 未来(みらい)わくわく(かん)
    Mirai Waku Waku Kan

    We can enjoy mirrors that elongate our legs, a strong wind simulator and other simulators and workshops with the themes of “wind”, “water” and “light” at this establishment.
  • 参加費(さんかひ|Participation fee)


    Adults 1,500 yen, Students1,300 yen, Children 750 yen .
    Lunch and the entrance fee for Yamamoto-Tei (100 yen) will be extra.

  • 日時(にちじ|Date)

    2017.3.18(土)(どようび) 10:30〜13:30
    Saturday, March 18, 2017, 10:30AM-1:30PM
  • 集合時間(しゅうごうじかん|Meeting time)

  • 集合場所(しゅうごうばしょ|Meeting place)

    Shibamata Station on the Keisei Kanamachi Line
  • 募集人数(ぼしゅうにんずう | The number to be accepted)

  • 申し込み受付(もうしこみうけつけ | Reservation Deadline)

    Reserve your spot by March 17th
  • その他(そのた | Other)


    ●The participation fee includes consumption tax and insurance.
    ●This tour has a limit of 30 participants, so please reserve your spot ASAP.
    ●Both foreign residents and Japanese people (can) participate in this walk.
    (There are times when no foreign residents or no Japanese people participate.)
    ●The tour will take place even if it rains. In the case of severe weather conditions (heavy rain, heavy snow, typhoon etc.) the tour will be canceled.
    ●Please wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in.
  • 主催(しゅさい|Organizer)

    Hiragana Net Inc.